Sunday, May 4, 2014

Ba Ba Black Sheep [song]

Ba Ba Blacksheep - a song
(Joseph Bishara's version)

Ba Ba Blacksheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir. I guess sir.
I've three bags full.
One for my master, and one for my dame,
and one for the little boy who cries down the lane.

Ba Ba Blacksheep, have you any love?
No sir. I don't know sir.
I have a little of.
I've some for disaster, and some for disdain
and some in the alabaster box wherein I'm lain.

Ba Ba Blacksheep, are you yet renewed?
Well, sir, I can't tell, sir.
It may be too soon.
Worthless is how I'm known, and Dark is how I'm named,
But my fleece is now as white as snow, and golden is my mane.

Ba Ba Blacksheep, have you any shame?
Good day, sir. I can't say, sir.
There's no one by that name.
I can't recall my sorrows. I can't recall my pains.
And memories of the acts of love, in the end, is what remains.


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